New Pick-Up Procedures
For staff picking up promotional materials at the Hart Office, they must:
· Call the office or text your Hart Manager to let them know you are there
· Wait outside in their vehicle until they are notified by the manager that they are ready for you to enter
· MASK REQUIRED inside building at all times
· Temperature will be taken and recorded
· Sign Daily Check In Paper
· Sign COVID-19 consent form
New Tasting Procedures
During tastings and promotions, our staff can expect to:
Anyone who has traveled to a "hotspot" location or are showing symptoms of Covid-19 should quarantine for 14 days and NOT accept any event offers. (Please check frequently for an updated list of these locations).
Common Symptoms of COVID-19
Our customers expect us to live up to the safety standards set by the State of New York. By demonstrating our knowledge of infection control and ensuring proper precautions are taken, we are confident in providing informed, dynamic events that consumers are sure to enjoy! In fact, the feedback and data from our summer promotions indicate that people are eager to participate and thoroughly enjoy the experience.
As always, we look forward to the success of each brand we represent. We are excited for that partnership in bringing unique exposure direct to consumers. As we come into the holiday season, we are gearing up with education and enthusiasm, so we can end this year on a high note! (For Pete's sake!)
That's all for now! Thanks for reading and we look forward to seeing everyone in person again, even if we still need to be masked up. We'll be "smizing" at you from six feet away.
Be sure to check out our social media @hartagency for up to date events and promotions! Next blog, we'll be looking at Fall and Halloween themed drink options. Comment below with other topics you'd like to see or seasonal cocktail suggestions. We also love shouting out local restaurants doing fun promotions - let us know your favorites!
Cheers for now,
The Hart Team