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Looking to Develop a New Skill? Take This Time to Learn About Wine!

June 24, 2020

As New York State begins to phase back into reopening, some of us are still waiting for their place of business to reopen. Others may not be back to full time hours. Or maybe you're looking for a outlet or distraction after work.  Any way you dice it, what better time to expand your wine & spirits knowledge? We've compiled some fabulous resources for every level of learning.

When first educating yourself on wine & spirits, it can be intimidating to start because there is such a vast amount of facts available. Begin with the basics and expand from there.  

Cristie Norman Wine Course

Described as "A Driver’s Ed Course for Wine for the total beginner", sommelier and wine expert Cristie Norman has compiled a thorough and fun online course. Broken up into easy to follow sections and quizzes for each grouping, you get a lot of knowledge quickly. Each module has fill in the blank notes provided, and if you opt for the Lifetime Membership ($299.99), you can go back and revisit as much as you want.

You can also go for the Regular Membership ($149.99) which expires after you pass the final exam. During the stay at home order, Cristie is gracious enough to offer her Regular Membership at half price, and industry folks still out of work can take the course for free but will not receive the official certificate at the end of the program. Still, its a great way to start learning, brush up on your knowledge, or dive deeper into various wines and the regions they come from. Check out her website for more, and you'll find you can inquire about the specials she's offering there.

Women of the Vine & Spirits

We recommend you look into what Woman of the Vine & Spirits has to offer, because they are always providing resources for every industry topic you can imagine. We love that you can partake in webinars, take advantage of job boards, attend events, and have access to scholarships for continued learning. Individual membership is $150 annual dues, with corporate membership available to companies interested. Perhaps the most valuable, their assets result in a community of like minded individuals and networking opportunities.

We can't stress enough the value of their webinars, led by a variety of professionals in the beverage industry. You are emailed weekly with a list of topics you can join. Additionally, for those of you motivated to apply quickly, their scholarship deadline is June 30th. (EEK YES WE KNOW, GET ON IT!) Depending on your level of knowledge and situation, you can look into Student, Continuing Education, or Professional & Leadership Development. Looking for WSET Certification? They provide scholarship opportunities for that too (we'll talk more about that next). If you're going for the gold with a Master Sommelier Certification, they haven't forgotten about you either.

No matter which you apply to, it appears you'll need to complete an essay, fill out the application, and provide two letters of recommendation. There's still time if you're interested! Look at the foundation page for more.

WSET (Wine & Spirits Education Trust)

Easily one of the most recognizable certifications available, WSET provides "globally recognized education and qualification" in wine, spirits, and sake. There are many course levels depending on your interest and knowledge, with a tier of fees increasing with each intensified course. Their site is comprehensive and easy to use, but essentially you'll choose your area of study, find an Approved Programme Provider and choose dates based on their schedule courses. An example is to select 3 full day weekend classes, or 8 three hour evening sessions. If you feel confident enough to sip and learn on your own, you can also do online training.

For most with more than basic knowledge, we recommend you start with Level 2 in Wine. However their newest offering is a Level 4 Award in Wine! Master Sommelier here we come!

Cornell Diversity & Inclusion Program

We're going to take you in a different direction here and talk about Cornell's Online Diversity & Inclusion Program. Recommended for team managers, supervisors, executives, or anyone "interested in creating an inclusive and supportive culture that promotes equal opportunities and treatment of employees."

You'll be challenged with concepts you may face in on-the-job circumstances, and learn about improving employee & customer engagement, countering unconscious bias, and cultivating an inclusive environment. After completing the 8 weeks worth of online classes in 4 sessions, you'll be presented with a Diversity & Inclusion Certificate. They estimate you'll spend 3-5 hours per week on this work study. Program cost is $3600 or $950/mo for 4 months, however if you pay upfront you can qualify for 30% off - be sure to inquire about this option before you sign up. Take it from the Nard Dog and go Big Red! If Michael Scott had this opportunity, Diversity Day would have been much different!

Thanks for checking us out, and we hope this helps get ideas flowing on how to expand your knowledge from every angle. Comment below with other resources you've used.

Hart Agency is excited to get back to work in Phases 3 & 4 of New York's opening, so look out for more on our social media pages. We're looking forward to seeing everyone again with summertime libations!

Cheers for now,

The Hart Team

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